slp tiok 11am,mum wake me up to eat breakfast,den go back slp again....till 2pm
,sam they come down prima ,den i oni out wif jim go SKY meet they..decided to watch movie,my fav ---underworld 3 rise of lycan...after buy ticket,we walk a while ,i buy a slipper,den we go in cinema...after giv da ticket,da fellow block us ,i thaught wat happen mayb i taking a bag he wan check or something,but nope...he ask jim are he 18....WTH~1st time kena block coz under age,walao,we laugh till ~deng~jim ,Y U LOOKS SO YOUNG ~wakaka~
twins is back,coz new years i not here ,balik kampung ,so we decided nite time come out meet and yam cha....i hate borrow car from my parents....i wan to get my own car...i'm very exciting bout next time clubbing at MOS,sam and CK,train hard ya =p vinod ,go together next time la ~
go genting at noon wif family from JB..parents go in casino,i walk around at 1st world wif sis...i get wat i wan today....yeah~